Bawburgh Village
Bawburgh bridge, drawn by hand

50/50 Club

A chance to win prizes each month while raising money for the village.

Bawburgh Village Hall Bawburgh Village Hall

The 50/50 Club is part of the fundraising for the village. Each month, members pay £1 to be entered into a prize draw. At the monthly Coffee Morning, 5 winners are drawn at random and they each win a prize.

The club has been running for over 30 years and has helped the village raise funds for many different causes over the years.

The club was originally set up to generate funds to build a new Village Hall. At the first draw in May 1993, fifty-one members took part and this has grown to over 100 today.

The five prizes are based upon the amount of money raised. Half of the money goes to the Village Hall. A quarter goes to the winner of the first prize. The second prize is 10% and there are three prizes of 5%.

As well as making a large contribution to the building of the Village Hall, money has been used to improve the hall’s security system, upgrade the kitchen and bar, and install a new sound system, as well as contribute to the creation of the Bawburgh children’s play area.

If you would like to join the 50/50 Club to help raise funds, and have a chance of winning each month, contact Tishy Bayne or see her at any Coffee Morning.

Bawburgh Village Hall is run by the Bawburgh Village Hall Management Committee and is a registered charity number 1049903