The flower Festival was pivotal to all proceedings throughout the three days
of Celebrations. There were 20 stunning arrangements of very different aspects
- some representing parts of the St Walstan legend. Cherie Silvester, shown
here, was part of the organising committee, and used a cart, built by Robin
Green, for her arrangement. And on Sunday morning. 29th May at 11.30am, the
cart became the host for a clue on Radio Norfolk's Treasure Quest!
Bawburgh School visited the church the week before the Festival, to see their
sculpture which had received "Highly Commended" last year at Norwich Cathedral
and was much admired throughout the weekend, in its position in church among
the flower arrangements.
A message from Alison Green: Thank you to anyone who did anything to help in any of the multitude of ways it took to put on all the parts of the weekend - especially the planners during the past year and the bakers who kept bringing amazing cakes.
Sandy Munro and Richard Woodham lead the three mile pilgrimage from Marlingford to Bawburgh 29th May 2016
Bishop James of Norwich, Rev. Laura and the RC Bishop Alan of East Anglia around the Well following the open air service on 29th May 2016 to commemorate the 1,000 years since Saint Walstan died and was buried in Bawburgh
Huge thanks to Alison and Robin Green for not only hosting the event of 28 th - 30 th May 2016, but masterminding and leading its organisation for well over a year. They will be the first to say that it could not have happened without its hard-working Committee, in particular her fellow Churchwarden, Sandy Munro, and Marion Malone, who took a great deal of the load, including the production of mugs, and, in her role as Treasurer of the PCC, the finances. Helen Liddle and Cherie Silvester, helped Alison with much of the organisation, especially the wonderful Flower Festival which was much praised by the stream of visitors. Helen also produced the essential rota, in which many from the village helped to man the church and refreshments. Lin Gibson produced the new Walstan booklet and Betty helped with printing and publicity. June Tucker gathered together the amazing array of home-made cakes, upon which much praise was heaped, and David Goodman and the Village Hall in particular provided practical help with tables, chairs and equipment. The thank you list is enormous, since without all the helpers, stewards from Bawburgh Wanderers group and cake-makers, these events just would not happen - but without Alison and Robin's meadow and garden there would not have been the amazing venue for the service, refreshments and the memorable rounding-up of pilgrims for well-earned complimentary drinks. It was a weekend of much variety and happiness, which produced many memorable moments in the history of the already 1,000 year Walstan story, and the village of Bawburgh.