Quiz and Chips
Village Hall

Quiz and chips evening.
Various events are held regularly in the village hall
and at the village green. Some of these are listed here and details of
up-coming events are on the noticeboard. Photographs from recent
village events can be found in the
Photo Galleries
The village also has a number of groups who meet regularly.
Coffee Morning for local residents held on the first Saturday of the month.
Village Social Evening is on the second Friday evening of the month.
Bawburgh Youth Club meets on the last Friday of the month and is open to children between the age of 6 and 12.
Bawburgh Playgroup meets weekly on Friday mornings in term time.
Talks for Everyone meets at the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month.
Sustainabilty Group aims to help make the village more sustainable and Green.
Bonfire and Firework Night party is held at the village hall on the nearest Friday to bonfire night.
Quiz Nights are held twice a year and donations to charities are made from the proceeds.
New Year’s Eve Party - all residents are welcome.
Village Fete and Duck Race, held on the village green usually early in July.
St Walstan’s Day, an annual celebration of the life of St Walstan, officially 30th May, is usually celebrated on the Sunday nearest that date.
Harvest Supper, held in the Autumn, all residents are welcome.
Quiz and chips evening.
Gwyneth Boswell tells us about the Red Dean, a distant relative, known as the Red Dean of Canterbury.