Bawburgh Village

Our Village History

Walstan's Home pageArchaeological findings have proved that life has existed in Bawburgh, and its surroundings, for thousands of years.  We can only hope to pick up the picture of the area around the time that Walstan was born here , and the time of the Domesday Book, which tells us of the existence of a Mill at that time.  So Bawburgh has "always" been a desirable place to live!

Since the publication of the village magazine in 1983, the Bawburgh News, many columns have been written about Bawburgh's fascinating history, both distant and recent.

History AlphabetBetween 1993 and 1995 this took the form of an ABC of Bawburgh, looking at Bawburgh's landmarks, events and characters, and a compilation was published in 1995 and has subsequently been updated and extended.

Bawburgh's Century In January 2000, Bawburgh's Century 1900-1999 was also published in a similar format, compiling ten articles published during the years 1996 to 1999, covering each decade of the 20th Century. Then in 2016 the next decade covering 2000-2009 was published.


 Local History Group

Your History Group Committee - from left to right Jenny, Lin and Mary

Bawburgh has an active Local History Group which meets on the second  Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall unless specified otherwise. Each month the confirmed topic will be posted on the Bawburgh Website Noticeboard, and in Bawburgh News .

The entry fee is £2.00 and this includes refreshments.
All are welcome.
