Bawburgh Village


New Homes Consultation

Crocus Homes held a public exhibition in the King's Head to show the proposed new development of 35 houses for Stocks Hill.

Now the consultation documents have moved online, you can get to them by following the link below.

35 homes planned for Bawburgh      

You can see full details at

The consultation closed on Friday 16th August.

Permissive Footpath in Bawburgh

The John Innes Centre has opened new permissive footpaths for the use of Bawburgh residents.  The routes are shown below:




Sustainability Group

Some members of the newly-founded sustainability group took part in a group litter picking excercise on 3rd December. Litter was collected from Harts Lane, New Road, Hockering Lane, Stocks Hill and Sparrows Hill. The final results can be seen in the photos below..

We are fortunate to already have a handful of people in the village who litter pick. Those who were new to litter picking in the area expressed surporise at the extent of the problem and further dates for the future litter picks will be set.
